
For those wanting to be on their own, we presently have one outcamp on Plumbtree Lake. This lake is fourteen miles long and there is one portage lake with a boat and motor on it. The portage is about a four minute walk. These lakes have Northern, Walleye, and Lake Trout. John & Lori spend about a month a year at this cabin making improvements. We added a new bedroom, propane heater, generator, freezer, smoker, outside fireplace and rebuilt the south deck, along with a lot of other general maintainence. The cabin now has three bedrooms and sleeps eight.

The cabin features eight bunks, pots, pans, dishes, gas stove, refrigerator, heater and lights, generator, freezer, smoker, outside fireplace, and two-way radio contact with the main lodge.

The outpost cabin on Plumbtree has hotel mattresses, hot and cold running water and indoor shower. This is a light housekeeping cabin, so you will need to supply your own food, bedding, and towels.   outcamp2.jpg (13626 bytes)
If you fly to Lynn Lake we will arrange a stop at the grocery store on the way to the seabase. The outcamp packages includes floatplane flight from Lynn Lake, cabin, boats, motors, gas, paddles, nets, and life jackets.

outcamp2.jpg (13626 bytes)outcamp2.jpg (13626 bytes)
wtrfall.jpg (43398 bytes) A beautiful waterfall near the Plumbtree cabin